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Like all organizations receiving grants from the Île-de-France Region, the Théâtre de Bligny is a signatory of the Regional Charter of the Values of the Republic and of Secularism.



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The Île-de-France Region is committed to preserving and defending the values ​​enshrined in the founding texts of the Republic, which are the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 , the Preamble to the Constitution of October 27, 1946 and the Constitution of October 4, 1958, as well as the principle of secularism guaranteed by the law of December 9, 1905.

The Regional Charter of the Values ​​of the Republic and of Secularism is the expression of this commitment and is binding on all its agents, its users as well as the partners whose action it supports financially. It takes on particular meaning in a context where the French Republic would suffer regular provocations and / or attacks the aim of which would be to call into question the values ​​on which it is based.

France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic . It ensures equality before the law, throughout its territory, of all citizens, without distinction of origin, sex, sexual orientation or identity, or religion. It guarantees equal rights for women and men.

Secularism is based on three principles: freedom of conscience and worship, the separation of public institutions and religious organizations, and equality of all before the law regardless of their beliefs or convictions.

The values ​​of the Republic allow the exercise of citizenship. They imply the rejection of all violence and discrimination, guarantee the equality of women and men and are based on a culture of respect and understanding of others. Their respect imposes that no religious principle is superior to them.
No one can take advantage of political, philosophical or religious convictions in order not to apply the principles and values ​​of the Republic. No one can be worried about his opinions as long as their manifestation does not disturb public order. Freedom of religion or belief necessarily encounters the limits linked to respect for religious pluralism and the freedom not to believe, to the protection of the rights and freedoms of others, to the maintenance of public order, of civil peace. and living together.

While the law imposes the exercise of the principle of neutrality on public services, users of the public service as well as private actors must not hinder the freedom and free will of others , for the sake of the general interest.

The Region decides to promote and enforce these principles in all areas of its intervention, while guaranteeing everyone the freedom of membership and access to services, non-discrimination, non-tolerance of incivility, the rejection of provocations, violence and incitement to hatred.



Article 4

All public or private legal entities supported by the Region respect and ensure respect for the principles and values ​​of the Republic .

Organizations belonging to the popular education and youth movement and the sports movement are particularly committed to transmitting these values ​​through their educational works, associative action as well as in sport.

As such, they contribute to the equal treatment of all, without distinction of origin, sex, orientation or sexual identity. or religion and fight against all forms of discrimination.

They undertake to ensure respect for equality between women and men, refuse all forms of sexism and violence against girls, whether minor or major, and against women, all forms of harassment, wearing imposed religious clothing refusal of contact or hierarchical relationship with women

They ensure the moral and physical integrity of young people and in particular minors (psychological or physical abuse, sexual violence, psychological control).

They protect their members, employees, volunteers and users against any proselytism which would constitute forms of pressure and would prevent them from exercising their free will and making their own choices.
They do not accept that individuals can take advantage of their religious affiliation to refuse to comply with the laws of the Republic.

They do not tolerate violence or incivility or any other behavior signifying rejection and hatred of others, in particular on sports grounds and in stadium stands.

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Article 5

Freedom of conscience applies to citizens and users of regional public facilities and services.
The right of users to express their religious, union, political and philosophical convictions is exercised within the limits of the proper functioning and neutrality of the public service, respect for republican values ​​and the pluralism of convictions as well as the imperatives of public order. , safety and hygiene.

Article 6  

Users of regional public services must refrain, inside places dedicated to the said service, from acts of religious proselytism towards other users or public service agents likely to undermine the neutrality of the service. service, as well as any behavior likely to endanger the rules of hygiene, safety or disturb public order.

Article 7  

The users of regional public services cannot take advantage of political, philosophical or religious convictions so as not to apply the principles and values ​​of the Republic or to undermine living together.

They cannot also challenge a regional public official or other users of the same public service or demand an adaptation of the functioning of the public service or of public equipment.

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Articles 4 and 10 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789

Article 4

Freedom consists in being able to do anything that does not harm others : thus, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the Society the enjoyment of these same rights. These limits can only be determined by law. "

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Article 10

No one should be worried about his opinions , even religious ones, as long as their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law. "

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Extract from the Preamble to the Constitution of October 27, 1946

Article 3

“The law guarantees to women, in all fields, rights equal to those of men. "

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Extract from article 1 of the Constitution of October 4, 1958

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“France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic. It ensures equality before the law of all citizens without distinction of origin, race or religion. She respects all beliefs (...). "

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Article 1 of the law of December 9, 1905 concerning the separation of Church and State

“The Republic ensures freedom of conscience. It guarantees the free exercise of worship under the sole restrictions enacted in the interest of public order. "

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The deliberation n ° CR 2017-51 of March 9, 2017 relating to the Regional Charter of the Values ​​of the Republic and of secularism subordinates the allocation of regional subsidy to the respect and promotion of this charter, within the limit and respect of the applicable laws and regulations.

To this end, a copy of the charter signed by the legal representative of the organization requesting a grant from the regional council must be appended to its grant application . Local authorities, their associations, public establishments and the State in particular are exempt from this obligation.

The implementation of the provisions of this charter also appears in the implementation report or, where applicable, in the financial report, of the action supported by regional funding.

Any proven failure to respect the values ​​of the charter leads to the non-payment or the restitution of the regional subsidy granted, under the conditions specified by the budgetary and financial regulations of the Ile-de-France region.

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